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Change Your Life Instantly: The Ultimate Clinical Study on Alkaline Water!

Ever wanted to change your life, your health, your looks, or your energy levels for the better?

Ever felt deflated because all your efforts to optimize your health take a long time and you’re not satisfied with the results? Read more.

There is no quick fix for anything so we get disappointed, impatient, and give up.


What if there was a way to change your life for the better and see results almost immediately?

There is!

  • Alkaline Water is The Answer

The proverbial cat is out of the bag. The answer we’ve been desperately searching for is actually quite simple – it’s alkaline water!

A clinical study by renowned physician Dr. Gus Spatharakis, D.C. with the Advanced Health & Wellness Centers, concludes that adding alkaline water as part of your daily routine can improve your health at the cellular level. This translates to improved health overall. As your cells improve, so does the body they serve.

In essence, the consumption of alkaline water:

  • Better hydrates the body and faster;
  • Repairs and protects cells from damaging free radicals;
  • Aids in the free movement of cells throughout the body;
  • Stimulates metabolism which gives the body more energy.

Now let’s see how the clinical study reached its conclusions.

  • Alkaline Water: Clinical Testing on the Health Benefits

There have been lots of clinical studies of the effects of alkaline water. However, this study broke the concepts down simply to how alkaline water impacts our bodies at the molecular level. Sound complex and boring? Not in the least!

Dr. Spatharakis posed the hypothesis that ionized alkaline water, specifically from a Tyent USA water ionizer, improves overall health. He selected a healthy study participant who otherwise thought she was in great health. She ate right and exercised to maintain her health. She was the picture of optimal health! He then set out to test his hypothesis as follows:

  • Performed a baseline blood test on the healthy participant.
  • Had the participant drink a bottle of regular water.
  • Re-tested the blood after 5 minutes of regular water consumption.
  • Then had the participant drink alkaline water from a Tyent water ionizer.
  • Re-tested the blood after 5 minutes of alkaline water consumption.
  • Analyzed all three blood tests.
  • The Shocking Test Results of the Effects of Alkaline Water

    The initial baseline blood test of the healthy study participant showed small red blood cell count with little to no movement of the cells indicating dehydration at the cellular level. It also showed some cell membranes that were jagged (unhealthy) and collapsing. This evidence of cell degeneration was alarming to the participant who considered her body to be in great shape.

    The second blood test, five minutes after the participant drank the regular bottled water, showed little improvement in her red blood cells. There was some slow movement of the cells but instead of free flowing, as would occur with healthy cells, the blood cells clumped together.

    The final blood test, five minutes after the participant consumed alkaline water from Tyent water ionizer, showed extraordinary results. The blood cells were free flowing. Blood cells no longer clumped together. The ionized water increased the oxygen in the cells which allowed the cells to take in more nutrients and speed up delivery to the body. Dr. Spatharakis remarked that “To our amazement the results from the ionized water is within minutes of consumption.”

    Conclusion: Tyent Alkaline Water Promotes Improved Health

    This clinical study showed that alkaline water, specifically from a Tyent USA water ionizer, improved cellular health better than regular water. In the study, the participant considered herself to be a healthy person doing all the right things for her health. Despite her best efforts her cells still suffered from dehydration and degeneration, as evidenced by the jagged and collapsing blood cell membranes.

    Alkaline Water for Better Hydration

    Ionized alkaline water better hydrates the body and hydration is the key to health. Alkaline water can repair red blood cells, neutralize free radicals trying to destroy our bodies, protect our cells from degeneration, and thus improve our overall health. According to Dr. Alvin Smith, MD, FACS, “The beauty of Tyent water is that it penetrates into the cells and hydrates the cells at the cellular level.”

    Want to improve your health with a simple solution that really works from the molecular level up? Check out the benefits of alkaline water at

    You can also visit our Facebook page or join our Twitter feed at for more information. To read more clinical research on the health benefits of alkaline water check out

    So pour yourself a tall glass of refreshing Tyent alkaline water and toast to your new optimized health. As Spock would say “Live long and prosper”!
