How Firefighters Can Benefit from Alkaline Water

Posted by: On December 15, 2016 12:00 pm

Did you know that there were an estimated 1,134,400 firefighters in America in 2014 (U.S. Fire Administration), working on either a voluntary or career basis?  As we head into the holiday season, and we hope for a peaceful time with our families, it’s really worth reflecting for a moment on the dedication of the men and women who form such a vital part of our emergency services.

How Tyent Water can help firefighters recover faster.
Tyent Alkaline Water can help firefighters recover faster.

How can Tyent alkaline water help firefighters?  What benefits could a firefighter expect to see and how might it help them tackle their challenging and demanding job?

Hydration and Firefighters

In 2013, a pilot study was published entitled The Effect of Hydration on Whole Blood

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