Mindful Resolutions for 2017

Do you make New Year resolutions?  If so, you’re in good company.  Around half of us make either regular or infrequent resolutions, with varying degrees of success.

2016.  So last year.
2016.  So last year.

What are the best tried-and-tested methods of making your ambitions and hopes for the year come to fruition?  We sought the wisdom of statisticians, medical professionals and erm…Oprah, to find out!

  1. Forget Less is More; More is More!

Rather than focusing on what you are going to cut out of your diet, focus on what you can add to your diet to make it healthier.”

Neva Cochran, MS, RDN

This is such simple and terrific advice for the 38% of us who make resolutions around healthy eating or losing weight.  Instead of feeling deprived because you’re trying to cut down on pasta and potatoes, add something instead!  A cubed avocado or zingy fresh tomato salsa, for example, can add real zest to a meal.

If that doesn’t work for you and you need something more comforting, then make a huge pot of delicious root vegetable soup (sauté the chopped veggies in a little olive oil, add water/stock, simmer until tender, whiz in the food processor and season to taste) and eat as much as you like!

  1. Keeping Resolutions is a Journey…

…not necessarily a destination.  Don’t let yourself be derailed by a “bad day.”  Just brush yourself off and start afresh the next day.  It’s ridiculously easy to sabotage your efforts by throwing in the towel when you’ve only got one corner of it a little bit wet.

Thinking, “Oh well, I might as well finish the box now,” when you’ve snuck a couple of leftover Christmas chocolates isn’t helpful.  Instead, try to pat yourself on the back for displaying such amazing restraint and shove the box somewhere annoyingly inaccessible.

  1. Turn Your Resolution into a Lifestyle 

Don’t say, “I’m going to try to drink more water.” Be specific and present tense about it.  If someone asks, tell them you drink between 8 – 10 glasses of Tyent ionized water every day to hydrate quickly, boost your energy and improve your health.  And then do so, obviously!

People who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions.” 

~ University of Scranton. Journal of Clinical Psychology 


Tyent Water for 2017!

If you already have a history of not-quite-realized resolutions, than take heart from the simple wisdom of Oprah Winfrey to give you the impetus to have another go:

“Cheers to a New Year and another chance to get it right.” 

Whether you skip making resolutions altogether or have a list as long as your arm, taking care of your health is paramount.  Drinking delicious, antioxidant-rich Tyent Water is one of the very best ways to nuture your body, day to day.  Why not give us a call at to find out how Tyent can help to make 2017 the healthiest yet?

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